Easiest Homemade Gnocchi with Brown Butter & Sage | Frankie Celenza



Frankie Makes Little Cheesy Pillows of Heaven.
When it comes to gnocchi, you don’t need a machine to make incredible pasta.

4 medium russet potatoes, peeled and quartered
2 eggs
¾ cup flour
2 Tbsp butter
Handful of fresh sage
Parmigiano-Reggiano, to serve

1.) Boil potatoes until tender. Remove from heat and rice the potatoes using a ricer.
2.) Beat 2 eggs into the riced potatoes. Add flour and combine until just incorporated.
3.) On a floured work surface, gently work the dough with your hands, adding more flour to the dough if necessary. Gently fold dough onto itself until it’s fully incorporated and soft, being careful not to overwork.
4.) Using a dough cutter, cut dough into four pieces, and roll each piece out into a ½-inch diameter log. Cut the log into equal pieces.
5.) Place gnocchi into a pot of salted boiling water until they rise to the top. Remove from water.
6.) Brown butter in a small pan, stirring frequently. Add sage to the pan and fry for a minute. Pour brown butter over cooked gnocchi.
7.) Grate Parmigiano over to serve.

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