Best Foods to Help Manage Menopause | Soya Upma | Healthy Recipes



“Menopause is a state of behaviour which is observed in women due to mood swings, hormonal imbalance and stoppage to menstrual cycle.
it is a stage which is undergone in women after their 40’s

Menopause creates irritation, panic, and anger women tend to turn more reactive and disturbed due to the change that occurs in their body in the growing cycle of women menopause plays a crucial role we need to understand the right balance to get over this.
In the video menopause and the right food for it is perfectly stated by The dietitian expert Mikita Gandhi.

For menopause soya upma is healthier and tasty food soya granules helps to maintain oestrogen which starts decreasing as per the passing age in women. it has large amount of food substance together with combination of healthy veggies like tomatoes and lentils makes it easy and yummy to consume.”

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