Easy Recipe for Homemade Dough Clay



Super Easy Dough Clay Recipe with 3 ingredients. Create ornaments or jewelry then bake or air dry your dough clay. It’s that easy.

Dough clay is AIR DRY or BAKE DRY in the oven on your lowest temperature. For detailed advice on dough clay read the full article:

2 Cups of Flour
1 Cup of Salt
1 Cup of Cold Water

Mix flour and salt with a fork in a large mixing bowl, then add most of the water. Using your hands, mix into fairly stiff dough; if it seems to stiff add more water. If it gets to soft you can knead in more flour.

TIP: You can add food color to your water and flour for color.

As soon as the dough will hold together, turn out on cabinet top and knead until it is smooth and pliable, 5 to 7 minutes.

Now you can create all kinds of little things with this very simple recipe. Here are a few videos of what we have made:

Store your dough in an air tight container in the refrigerator and use the dough clay within 4 to 5 days.

I hope this short how to has sparked creativity in you. Thank you for stopping by the studio.

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