Healthy Recipes: Grilled Thai Beef Salad –



For more great recipes:
It's time to fire up your barbecue and get grilling! Grilling is quick, doesn't leave many dishes, makes cooking for a crowd easy, and produces phenomenal food. Even better, grilling is one of the leanest ways to cook meat.

There's no need to fall off your diet during the summer months. Instead, grab some lean protein, fresh fruits and veggies, and throw them on a sizzling barbecue.

Need a low-carb, high-protein meal? Say no more! With this steak salad, you'll get all the protein you want without the carbs you don't. The best part, however, is the yummy Thai flavor! The salad is both paleo and atkins diet friendly!

Jillian has always been active and had love for fitness. She grew up playing competitive soccer most her life and now is a NPC bikini competitor and certified yoga instructor. She enjoys circuit training, yoga, dance, hiking, bike riding and running in the hills to stay fit and active.

Jillian is passionate about healthy cooking. She brings a holistic approach to nutrition and is a strong advocate of clean eating and balance. She has a talent for taking any dish and making it healthy and full of flavor. She lives and breathes the fitness lifestyle and is passionate about sharing this with others.

Facebook: Jillian-the-Fit-Foodie


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