How To Flame an Orange


[MidBan] Every once in a while, a drink recipe calls for a flamed orange peel. What this means really, is that you spray the oils in the orange rind through a lighter or flame into the glass. It looks pretty cool, although I’m not sure how much orange oil from the rind makes it through. I know we’ve done a few drinks with the flamed orange peel (the Cosmopolitan and Flame of Love spring to mind), so I just thought I’d walk everyone through how to do this.
Forgive my fumbling fingers, it always takes me a second to calibrate.

Step one, is make sure you buy some oranges with a nice fat rind on them. Those have more oil, and they are easier to spray.
Step two: cut some rind off, and hold a lighter to the underside. This helps push the oils to the surface.
Step three: Holding the peel in one hand and a lighter in the other, fold the orange rind in on itself, to expel the oils from the surface of the rind. The oils should spray through the flame, and catch on fire in midair.
Ta-da! You are now pretty damn awesome.

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Music: Big Rock (Kevin MacLeod) / CC BY 3.0


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