Lemon Garlic Shrimp Recipe. Healthy and Delicious Recipe.



This Paleo Diet Recipe is one of my all time FAVORITES! I love the tang and the lil kick of spice in this Lemon Garlic Shrimp Recipe. Who knew diet food could taste so good!

Lemon Garlic Shrimp:
1lb Shrimp
1 Cup Chicken Stock
2 Red Peppers
1 Lemon
2 Cups Asparagus
5 Cloves Garlic
Olive Oil
Fresh Parsley
Red Crushed Pepper

Find more recipes at: http://bit.ly/121bD95

So what makes the Paleo diet such a healthy lifestyle? Besides the fact that our ancestors thousands of years ago themselves following a Paleo lifestyle (they were living in it) what really makes everything click?

It isn't JUST because people realize that going back to Paleolithic age style of eating is healthier per se. It's primarily because plenty of research has been done which actually proves that eating using the diet works.

Simply put, even without research, you can probably tell that the current trend of modern style eating isn't working. In general, our life expectancy has dropped, more and more deaths are caused by unhealthy food consumption, heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes and so on.

It's understandable, as the focus in the food industry, especially for the whole of world population leans more toward being able to prepare food quickly, and for as many people as possible. This post isn't going to go in depth about this, because today we're going to be talking about how to build your own healthy Paleo diet.

Good: Fruits, Vegetables, Lean Meats, Seafood, Nuts & Seeds, Healthy Fats

Bad: Dairy, Grains, Processed Food & Sugar, Legumes, Starches, Alcohol

This table basically represents everything that you're going to be eating, and everything that you're going to avoid as much as possible, if not completely. Now, we're going to go through the health benefits behind eating according to this table. Of course, general good health is obvious, but what are the specifics? Read on!

Diabetics Rejoice!

More often than not, people who are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes are advised to pick up a Mediterranean diet which recommends plenty of legumes, olive oil, unrefined cereals, fruits and vegetables. The Mediterranean diet has plenty going for it but at the end of the day the comparison against the original human diet was much better. The difference was only a change in the amount of grains and dairy products which actually interfered with the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat.

Legumes have a high lectin count which causes irritation in the gut while many people react poorly to lactose and casein commonly found in dairy products (with the exception of yogurt and kefir). Strictly speaking, if you are suffering from type 2 diabetes, it would be prudent to favor a Paleo style diet as compared to a Mediterranean style diet.


Where your autoimmune system is supposed to protect you from viruses, bacteria and parasites, autoimmunity is a case where your immune system identifies yourself as a foreign object and attacks it. A perfect example of autoimmunity is where someone receives an organ from an organ donor during an operation (lung or liver) and their body rejecting it. That's why so much testing for a tissue match is required before a transplant is attempted. Their own immune system will attack and try to destroy the newly transplanted organ assuming that it's a foreign invader.

However, in normal cases where the case isn't due to an organ transplant, large protein particles from food which stick to the intestinal lining can also be the cause of autoimmunity. And a pure Paleo diet would prevent it altogether, increasing metabolism, and all around health. There have been many cases of people being able to fight back normally terminal diseases. Although not a complete cure, such as being able to beat cancer just by a change of diet, longer health spans and slowed deterioration is guaranteed.

I've placed quite a bit of free information right here on my blog, so if you're interested, feel free to keep browsing. If you're interested in trying out Paleo diet recipes, I highly recommend Secret Paleo with up to 300 recipes for full meals. Just click here to head to their official website. http://bit.ly/121bD95


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