How to Make Patatas Bravas – Easy Recipes



How to Make Patatas Bravas – as part of the expert series by GeoBeats.

I am going to show you how to do Patatas Bravas. Usually it is done with Idaho potato slices or chunks. Here at Rayuela we are going to do it with fingerling potatoes, which is more crunchy and sweet at the same time. We have a nice amount and we have a saute pan. Usually you will fry. It is almost like french fries. You bring it to an 80% cook and then you finish it up once you need it. In this case I like to bake it. Here it only has garlic, thyme, olive oil and fresh black pepper, salt and that is all we are going to do. We are going to bring it to the oven, 375 degrees and about a half an hour to 35 minutes we are ready to have a wonderful Patatas Bravas. Here we are. Wonderful. Just make sure they are tender. Perfect. At this point what we are going to do is have very hot oil, olive oil.

What we want to do is to make the outside very very crispy and the inside, it is already tender with the flavor of the herb that you like. I like just thyme. Some people like rosemary or some people just fry it like I said before. In this case, we already have the oil very hot and what you want to do is to drop your potatoes, I will say for about a minute and a half. You see the skin already crunching up. Once that is ready, we are ready for presentation. So once the potatoes are nice and crispy outside, we are going to strain it on a little napkin, yes? And then we are ready for presentation. I have an aioli made with of course a form of mayonnaise mixed with chipotle pepper and a little bit of honey so it is going to be sweet and spicy at the same time. I like to put the sauce on the bottom so you have a choice of having the potato with as much sauce as you like. I am telling you, this dish, you can have it with a nice piece of ribeye with a nice fried fish. Here we go, stack it up a little bit. It also is a wonderful vegetarian side dish. Here we go. Patatas Bravas la Rayuela, with ??? aioli. Wonderful.


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