Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes



Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes


For the cupcake batter:
275 grams self raising flour
500 millilitres ice cream
12 ice-cream cone cups

For the buttercream frosting:
300 grams icing sugar
150g softened butter
4 tablespoons milk

Optional toppings:
Sprinkles, chocolate sticks, various sauces


1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/375°F.

2. Melt the ice-cream by putting it into the microwave for 2-3 minutes then stir it into the flour. (Don’t worry if it’s a little bit lumpy)

3. Place the ice cream cone cups into a muffin tin then divide the mixture between all 12 cups, 2-3 tablespoons of mixture in each cup is enough, be sure to allow enough room for the cupcakes to rise.

4. Bake for 30 minutes until risen and golden brown on top.

5. Whisk together the icing sugar, butter and milk to make the frosting.

6. Pipe or spoon the frosting onto each cupcake.

7. Garnish with whatever toppings you like.

8. Enjoy!

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